Monday, July 7, 2014


Sometimes it takes something really simple to snap you back into reality. Sometimes you're just going going and you forget to stop, evaluate, and look. And for me this weekend me and my long haired man took off on our motorbike, and while passing rice field after rice field, and mountain after mountain, it all kinda hit me on the back of that motorcycle.

I could've never told ya that we would be in Thailand doing the things we're doing. After graduation I would have never when asked what I was up to next,  have said oh I'll be in Thailand, loving, sweating, and feeding hope to some Thais. I mean it's almost comical of all the things that have happened from when I started college to finishing to now. I actually laugh out loud sometimes at how controlling I was, and how organized my life used to look. I mean I used to freak out about if my hair was gonna be dry before I left my dorm, now I freak out about whether or not my little Eden House girls are grasping how to love like Christ did. But that's the beauty of God's goodness, is that when everything you thought you have put together nicely, He will unravel it in seconds. I've come to realize that nothing I make can ever be as beautiful as something that God will make.  So I need to stop pushing for my own agenda. God knows the desires of my heart. Surrender people is where it's at. When you can sit back and say to God take this little life of mine, use, push, run, create whatever you want of it....that's where freedom is. And looking back on these past couple years, they have been filled with all sorts of goodies but also lots of tears, lots of building and rebuilding, lots of burning old and yucky, lots of planting, lots of renewing. But that's it isn't it. That's life. And driving on the back of that motorbike brought me back to that. Life is good, when it's in the Hands of the Maker. Let Him unravel everything you have planned for yourself, I promise it will be far more beautiful than anything you could have ever imagined.