Saturday, September 4, 2010


As most of you wonderful man and myself were going to get married this past August, but called it off.  Through it all I have learned some amazing things that I would have never learned if we had not went with this decision. God has been gracious enough to bless me and Jacob tremendously by letting us realize that we were not ready. I promised myself that I would not talk about this....but I am overflowing with lessons that I have learned from all this.  There are many people who can marry young, and be completely happy.....and not to say that Jacob and myself would not have been happy, but there was a small yet very large concept that I was missing.  I think this concept is so large and so over looked and troubles a lot of couples today. And here it is.....A spouse was never intended to complete the other, they were meant to compliment the other. Now, this may seem like a pretty understandable concept, but if you think about it who actually lives like that. Most people today, including myself were constantly looking for that person to fill the void. I think we get this fantasizing idea from the culture we live in. Most chick flicks today portray this idea that as women we need that man to complete us. The woman who does not find it will become a miserable old maid. Being a romantic myself, it is hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that the other person should not complete me. This was never their job, and yet when they fail at it we get angry and mad. We start comparing our relationships to Hollywood and other people, and ask well why aren't we happy? What has happened to us? We are not happy because God is the only completer and fulfiller. That other person's role is to compliment. We should not hold them to the standard that the Almighty is supposed to fill.....they will always fail. We can fake happiness all day long, and paste that smile on our faces to not make things uncomfortable....but the truth is we are only complete in Christ.  True happiness lies there, and until we realize this small yet very big concept, every relationship, maybe not at first, but eventually will end with tears.

1 comment:

  1. I love you Gabby! Thanks for sharing your heart-- what you wrote is so true and such a good reminder!
