Friday, January 25, 2013

Surrendering to Design

It's funny how journeys begin and how they press on. The combinations of events that change and mold you. It's almost like certain things were placed there for the sole purpose of direction, mold ability, and design. But no matter how perfect it seems to line up for us, there will always be that part of you that wants to resist design. That tries to convince you that comfort is what is wanted. But if our heart is in our head, than we should crave that design like a starving child. We should drip and reek of passion that is so contagious it overwhelms. Knowing this then, the only question left is, what is your design?

Life is not about coincidences, but about seeing through the pain and smiles and what it's leading you to. Your design is like a magnet every pulling you in. And yet, despite the powerful properties of a magnet, we still choose to fight it. And we wonder why we are so tired. I feel like my whole life I've been resisting that pull, without even knowing it. So I've reached a point where exhaustion has set in and surrender is inevitable. I'm going to fall towards the pull of my designer and continue on this journey. I am headed back to Asia mid March to work with a girl's home I have become burdened for miles away, and I cannot begin to explain my excitement, happiness, and nervousness of following what I feel like for the first time is part of my design. My life has been a series of events that maybe just maybe have led me to this. The permeation of my soul and the surrender to my design. As for now that is all I know, a small truth I will hold onto ever so tightly.

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