Saturday, October 9, 2010

Expect God to Take Care of You

I think it is funny how life can surprise you. We go through life kinda expecting the worst and then when something good happens, we are surprised. We rely on life to just happen rather than taking to heart the understanding that God has it all planned. I am reminded of this constantly because I think that I struggle with it the most. I have talked about surrender a lot on my blog and yet it stills finds its way into my everyday life. Why do I struggle so much with this concept? I was reminded yesterday of how great and awesome God is when orchestrating our lives together. I went out with a great group of girls that I love dearly last night to have some fun. We went to our favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner when simple conversation led to chess pieces moving for my life. I was recently told that my work would be closing down at the start of January for remodeling of the Clubhouse, which my not seem like a big  deal. Well, this remodeling I was told is going to take 3-4 months to finish. At first my planner self starts trying to think through about what I was going to do. I start wondering, how will I pay bills? Will unemployment money be enough? And the surrender concept that can't seem to stick in my head just floats right by. It was all about me, me, me, and what I could do to help the situation. So I began to wait and force myself to actually rely on Christ to have a hand in my future. Now as I have mentioned before, I am a planer, usually I have 2 to 3 plans, so when the first one fails I have back up. So me waiting with weeks going by was not my cup of tea. Having said all that, I start talking with one of my friends at dinner about a program which is in Southeast Asia that works with girls having been rescued out of sex slavery. This has been a huge passion and soft spot  in my heart for a while and here it is laying in my lap. I had waited and God brings it right to me on a silver platter. This program starts at the first of January and goes for about 4 months. It was as if God had put His hand on my chess piece and was moving it for me. I did not have to do anything or worry, He had taken care of it. It was funny because I honestly felt myself a little surprised and excited as if He wasn't going to take care of me. I was surprised that He already had something in mind for me. So I am currently filling out paper work and seeing where He will move me. I want God to be my author....and living open and vulnerable to Him will further our relationship with Him. Surrendering is not easy but that vulnerability to the unknown is where He calls us to be.

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