Friday, October 15, 2010


Just a thought.....but here it goes....Why do we complicate and dirty things that are meant to be so pure? Why do we make things so much more complicated then what they should be? I believe we do this because we don't want it to be easy. We want to have to fight, scrape, and till before we reach the point where we are happy. We are not happy with our lives because of decision after decision where we chose the next step instead of intently listening to hear where we should go. When I taught in the Public school system, I felt a little overwhelmed at moments when forced with paperwork and endless testing that is required. All of this leaves one without the purity that is meant in the situation. When did teaching become something besides a simple interaction between two human beings? We have taken the purity out of something that should always and forever be simple and pure. I find myself standing on this road many times to realize that my walk with Christ is the same. Something that should be so simple and pure gets clouded up with my own selfishness, laziness, and my undisciplined self. This was not meant to boggle our minds down to where we cannot see the simplicity of it all.  I want simplicity, and with this comes freedom. We do not have to fight, scrape, and till to find happiness because happiness comes in the simplicity of Christ.

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